Friday 29 January 2016

Hello World UWP App

Hi,We Will Develop Hello World App.

Step1: Open Visual Studio 2015, Click on new project.

Step2: Click on Blank App(universal windows). Give whatever name you want to give and make sure you have selected universal app option.

Step3: As we are developing universal App, we can run this same app on mobiles,Tablets, and your own local machine.

Step4: This is your Mainpage.Xaml.You can add Various element here.e.g TextBoxs,Textblocks,Buttons etc.

Step5: Drag drop Textblock in mainpage and Edit the Properties of textblock.

Step6: Run it on local machines that is my Pc...

Wednesday 27 January 2016

How to create form in webform and store data in sql server

If You want to become zero to hero in webform, you should have basic knowledge of c# and tools required in Webform Development Visual Studio 2012 and Sql Server 2012.

Step1: Click on new project

Step2: Make Sure that .net framework 4 was selected. Give project name and add location where you want to save the project..

Step3: Select Empty web Application. Click Ok button.This Screen will appear

Step4: Add New item

Step5: Select Webform option

Step6: Press the add button. This Screen Will appear.Click on Design View.

Step7: Click on table.Click Insert Table and Select the size of rows and Columns

Step8: Add Field Name, Email etc and Select Textbox option from toolbox.

Step9: Open Sql Server 2012. Click on Connect button.

Step10: Click on databases. Add new Database name

Step11: Add New Table and add fields

Step12: Drag drop sqldatasource from toolbox.

Step13: Click on Configure Data source option.Click on new connection.

Step14: Add server name.Select database name.

Step15: You can change the connectionstring name..

Step16: Click on next button. click on advanced on Generate update delete select option.

Step17: Click on source button. Enter the insert parameter and change the control asp:parameter to asp:controlparameter and add controlid properties.

Step18: Drag drop the button,label from textbox

Step19:Double Click on button.Event Will genrated.

Step20: View the form in browser and enter the values into form and press the submit button.Data Will Be inserted in database.